Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome Back!

Here we are! Our first day in Grade 2 was so exciting! It was great to see all of the smiling faces and listen to all the little voices share stories. I am so excited to meet you all and share a really great year with you.

Please check in here weekly (if not more). It is a great place to find information about all of the happenings in our school and classroom. I like to share student work and class pictures as well! Please return your blog information form that came home today to be sure that I am not sharing anything regarding your child that you may not want me to. Thanks so much.

There is a bit of "paperwork" coming home to parents/guardians tonight. Please take a look and return it as soon as possible. I am so appreciative of all that parents do to help support our class from home.

Don't forget our new BELL TIMES!
LUNCH - 11:45-12:25