Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28 - June 1

I can't believe that we are moving into the last month of school! The growth in each student has been awesome! 

This week is pretty "normal"!
Today was a super fun day for our class as we headed off to the Movie Mill to see Chimpanzee. The students were very well behaved and really enjoyed the movie. Thanks again to Meerkerk Stonework for this fun opportunity. Thank you as well to our parent drivers for making it possible!

Spelling words this week are:
bees - skates - twins - boxes - foxes - dishes - wishes - lunches - branches - places

Sight words are:
Saskatoon - magnet - first - sports - children

This will be the last week for home reading! A HUGE thanks to Mrs. Gail, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Meerkerk, Mrs. Hagel and Mrs. Lorenz for making our home reading program possible this year!

Starting on Monday of next week I will send home a sheet for the Reading At Home (R.A.H) program.
 It is very simple and continues to reward students that choose to read at home. The only difference is there will be no exchange of books at school. Parents will initial a box for each 15 minute time period and then return it when the whole sheet has been completed.

Kleenex! Our class has used all of our Kleenex supply. We will need a few boxes to get us to the end of June. If you are able to spare a box, please send it to school with your child.Thank you so much!

How are the boats coming along?! Just a reminder that boats are due back at school on June 12th!

We will be heading to the Southern Alberta Art Gallery next week. Thank you to Mrs. Earl, Mrs.Babe, Mrs.Meerkerk, Mrs. Hagel, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Gail for volunteering to drive!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22 - May 25

Welcome back after an awesome long weekend!

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who have responded so far about the SAAG field trip as well as the movie mill. We are only 1 or 2 drivers short for each one which is great. If you are able to help out please let me know as soon as possible.

Movie Mill viewing of Disney's CHIMPANZEE will be on Monday! We will leave at 9:30 as the movie starts at 10. We will be back at the school just before lunch. Thank you to Meerkerk Stonework/Get Recycled for sponsoring this event.

Wednesday is BEACH DAY. Please come to school dressed in your beach gear!

Wednesday at 12:30 we also have a big spirit assembly. The grade 2's will be performing a hip hop dance. Please come and join us if you are available.

No spelling this week.

We have began our C.A.R.E unit which is part of the grade 2 curriculum.  Last week and today we discussed our bodies being private and that we are the "boss" of our own body. Today we also discussed appropriate and inappropriate touching.The students have been very mature and great during discussions.

I hope the boat making process is going well at home! Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the boats.

Bonus Question:
Miss Craddock had 35 popsicles. 18 of them melted! How many popsicles does she have left? Which strategy did you use? show your work.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14 - May 18

This weather is AWESOME! It is so nice to get outside with the students and enjoy the sund during recess and Phys. Ed.

Thank you so much to our drivers for Feel the Beat tomorrow! We were scrambling for drivers until this afternoon! We are now set to go! Thanks so much to Mrs. Hagel, Mrs. DeBoer, Mrs. Gail, Mrs Toles, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Meerkerk. We will see you at the school tomorrow at 11:30. We will be eating an early lunch and then heading out to Southminster. We should be back at the school by 1:30 or shortly thereafter.

Hot lunch is on Wednesday! Yeah for PIZZA! Thanks to all of our hot lunch volunteers.

Thank you to all of the parents who drove to and supervised Aggie Days. The students had a blast and there was lots to talk about when we arrived back at school!

Spelling words this week are:
what - when - where - who - whale - wheel - whole - while - white - whose

Sight words this week are:
float - water - favourite - know - said

A note will be coming home tomorrow abour the Arts Alive field trip on June 7th! It is always a great time to see the amazing talent of the students in our district. Please let me know if you would like to drive and attend this trip with us.

Library days are coming to an end in a few weeks. Please take a look around home and check for any books that may have gone missing and need to be returned. Thanks!

No school Monday, May 21st .

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7 - May 11

What a beautiful Monday! From snow to sun! Have to love Southern Alberta!

This week we are off to AGGIE DAYS! The students and I had a great discussion to kick off our new unit in Social Studies. We will be focusing on the prairies...more specifically, Saskatoon. Aggie Days will be a perfect chance for the students to see rural life up close! Thank you to our volunteers listed below who will be taking all of us to Aggie days. We will see you at 12:25 this Wednesday!
Mrs. Gail
Mrs. Pate
Mrs. deBoer
Mrs. Hagel
Mrs. Earl
Mrs. Meerkerk
Mrs. Babe

I am still in need of enough drivers for 10 students next week for Feel the Beat on May 15th. So far we only have enough drivers for 16 students. If you are availaible for drop off and pick up please let me know. You are not required to have to stay if you are unable to. Thanks so much for your help!

Wear a hat on Wednesday for Mental Health Awareness. I found the students VERY interested today in a conversation about mental health. Today we talked about taking care of our brains through sleep, drinking water, exercise and proper nutrition. We also stressed how important helmets are for ALL activities on wheels to protect our heads. We even had questions on Alzheimers and anxiety. Lots for us to learn this week!

No school on Friday! Professional Development for teachers.

Hot Lunch will be on May 16. Order forms are due back this THURSDAY MAY 10!

Spelling words this week are:
upon - into  -inside - outside - without  -everyone - anyone - anyway - sometimes - anyone - always

Sight words this week are:
people - are - our - friends - really