Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25 - March 28

Happy Easter!

April is almost upon us and Easter break starts on Friday. The break is from March 29  - April 7. We will see you back on April 8. This week will be a busy and fun with week!
Thank you to everyone who came out for the Celelbration of Learning. It was great to see the students teaching and parents learning!

No Spelling test or Homework this week.

Please don’t forget:

·        Each child needs to bring 4 hardboiled eggs to school on Thursday for decorating. If you have any half empty bottles of food colouring (or any colouring) that you would like to donate to our decorating morning please pass them along with your child. The more colour the better! Thanks!


·        Our Sock Hop will be that afternoon from 12:30 2:00 and you are welcome to join and bring little ones.


·        We will have a quiet class party that afternoon as well.

Easter Party Snack List

Larissa snack

Marius Veggies & Dip

Bronwyn -Juice/Napkins  

Ramiz Cookies

Kye Cupcakes

Morgan Cheese & Crackers

Tayler- Meat & Pickles
Have a very safe and happy Easter break!

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18 - 21

I hope you all had a chance to celebrate with your child and look over the Report Card that came home on Friday! The students have been working so hard and they are proud and excited to share their learning with you this Thursday at our....
Thursday, March 21st 5:30 - 7:30
If you have not already booked your 20 minute time slot online, please do so!
We are very excited to see you there and your child is working on being a great host as they prepare to share their learning with you.
If you need any assistance with booking a time please email me or call the office. We would both be happy to help. We look forward to see you there!
Sight words this week:
with - were - here - junk - upon
Spelling words this week:
own - low - blow- grow - show - snow - throw - window - yellow - hello
No School on Friday due to interview time.
If you feel that you need more time to discuss anything with me please let me know so we can talk on Friday. I think the report card and the Celebration of Learning will answer any questions you may have.
Easter Snack List - March 28
Fruit or other snack! - Larissa
Veggies and Dip - Marius
Juice and Napkins - Bronwyn
Cookies - Ramiz
Cupcakes - Kye
Cheese and Crackers - Morgan
Meat and Pickles - Tayler
Don't forget:
March 28 - Bring 4 hard boiled eggs to school in a container
March 28 - Sock Hop from 12:30 - 1:50
March 29 - April 7 - Easter Break

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 11 - March 15

Report Card Week!
Report Cards will be coming home this Friday! There will be a pink note outlining the Celebration of Learning night happening next Thursday the 21st from 5:30 -7:30! A 20 minute time slot can be booked online just as they were last interview time. The students will be very happy to share their learning and accomplishments with you!
Our Grade 2-3 Choir did an absolutely lovely job at Sing for the Soup Kitchen last Thursday evening!
I was so impressed! This Tuesday they will be singing at the Kiwanis Music Festival in the afternoon! Good luck to you all!
Wednesday will be our Batik Art morning from 9:30-11. As of right now I only have one parent volunteer available. If you are able to help please let me know. Thanks!
Thursday will be our St. Patrick's Day assembly! Please have your child wear green on Thursday!
Friday the Report Cards will be sent home! Please take some time to celebrate as well as goal set with your child! They have been working hard!
Spelling words this week:
blue- glue - true - cute - tube - rule - huge - sure - use - shoes
Sight words this week:
goes - brothers - sisters - small - than
Easter Snack List (March 28):
Fruit Plate: ?
Veggies and Dip - ?
Juice and Napkins - Bronwyn
Cookies - Ramiz
Cupcakes - Kye
Cheese and Crackers - Morgan S.
Meat and Pickles - ?
If you are able to help fill any of these spots please let me know! Much appreciated!
March 28 will also be our Sock Hop from 12:30-1:55 and we will also be egg decorating in the morning. Please send 4 hard boiled eggs with your child that day.Thanks!

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4 - March 8

Spring is on the Way!
I can't believe how quickly Easter Break is approaching! We have a very busy and fun month ahead.
March Events

March 7  - Sing for Soup - Grade 2/3 choir will perform at Southminster Church at 7 pm
March 8 - NO SCHOOL
March 12 - Kiwanis from 12-2 for choir students only
March 14 - Wear GREEN! Assembly at 12:30
March 15 - Report cards come home
March 21 - Celebration of Learning from 5:30 -7:30 - Times will be booked online.
March 22 - No School
March 28 - Sock Hop for grade 1 and 2 in the afternoon
March 28 - Easter Egg decorating in the classroom.
March 29 - April 7  - Easter Break - No School

Spring break is just around the corner! One of our activities, which will tie in nicely with our social studies unit on cultural traditions, will be to dye Easter eggs.  We will be learning about how the Ukrainian people traditionally dye their eggs and then each child will have the chance to dye or decorate some of their own eggs.  Each child will need 4 hardboiled eggs on the morning of Thursday, March 28th.  Transporting the eggs back and forth from school could be a problem.  If possible, wrap the eggs in paper towels and place them in a covered container.  Perhaps have your child carry their eggs instead of placing them in their backpack.  Thanks!
Our last day of school before Easter Break is March 28th - which is also the date of our Easter Sock Hop (1:15 – 3:00). Parents are welcome to come out and join us for an afternoon of fun! We can always use help keeping our dancers together! J
This month our students will also need help with a special art project.  We are making Easter Batiks and the children will be using hot wax to block out their designs.  Parents are needed to ensure student safety, monitoring the electric pans and holding the hot wax.  We are currently arranging a time for this project and will send a note home ASAP. We will need approximately 4 parents to help for this project. We are hoping for the morning of March 13.
Spelling words this week:
old - cold- told - bold - sold - gold - scold - hold - fold - roll
Sight words this week:
wash - outside- nice - gave - them
Reminders -
No School this Friday, March 8th!
Please remember to send your child to school with BOTH indoor and outdoor shoes. There have beenmany students walking around in bare feet or socks which is unsafe for many reasons. Thanks for your help with this!