Thursday, January 20, 2011

I think we are back in ACTION!

Sorry for the lack of posts and information of the week here. There have been a few technical difficulties and I am hoping they are solved now! Thank you for your patience.

Unforunately with the crazy wind it turned out to be not the greatest or safest day for sledding. We will be trying again tomorrow! Please make sure your child has their helmet and is properly dressed. If they do not have a helmet they cannot sled.

Spelling test is tomorrow. This weeks words are:
all - ball - call - fall  -hall - tall - wall - talk - walk - shall

Thank you to all of our parent drivers and volunteers who helped make our swim day possible! I will be posting pictures tomorrow.

I have attached a link to a great site that the kids loved in Scince. We were discussing the changes from solid to liquids and liquids to gas. Our focus is on how hot and cold temperatures contribute to it. Last week we made ice cream and today we made baked potatoes!

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