Monday, March 28, 2011

Rooney and Punyi

Wow! Rooney and Punyi were AWESOME! Our opening assembly was so fun! We were laughing the entire time and Kaiya even had her MMH acting debut! Ask your child about it! We will be having two more session with them this week that require the bedsheet you were asked to send in. Thank you to all of you who have done so already. If you have not, please send one along with your child for tomorrow. A flat double or single sheet works best. Any colour is fine.

Thank you to any and ALL parents who helped with the staff appreciation lunch today! It was delicious and much appreciated.

With the wet and slushy weather, we have been having many children coming in wet and muddy from recess. Please make sure your child is coming to school with boots to help them stay clean and dry. Thank you for your help with this! Our caretaking staff thanks you as well.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March is Almost Over!

I can hardly believe that we are over half way through March! We have been working so hard at school. I am so impressed at all of the growth that has happened since September.

Thank you for all of your support with the Celebration of Learning last week. As a teaching team we also appreciate your feedback. We now know how we can make this an even better experience in the future.

Today the Grade 2 students will be performing a short Leprachaun song at the assembly at 12:45 if you are able to join us.

Next week our school will be participating in a Drama Residency lead by Rooney and Punyi! We have heard wonderful things about this program and we are excited for it to begin.

The snow continues to fall! Fingers are crosses for it to actually look like Spring! I had numerous students hope for Spring to begin on thier hope tree leaf. Stop by and see our Hope Tree just around the corner from the office. Mrs. Kitigawa our new school counselor began this school project and the hopes are lovely to read.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Celebration of Learning

Hope you all have had a great start to March. There have been a few notes coming home about interviews etc. All Grade 2's will be taking part in a Celebration of Learning night on March 15th. You still go into the conference manager system online to book the 30 minute time slot that works for you. We are exctied about this being a great oppertunity for your child to showcase thier learning and to show you what they have been working on.

We will be focusing on:
Editing Skills
Math Problem Solving
Match Counting Patterns
Showcasing Special Projects

Your child has been working really hard to prepare for this night and they will be so excited to show you around. I am looking forward to seeing all of you there. This is meant to be a time that is dedicated to your child's learning so if at all possible please try to make arrangements to leave the little ones at home. Thank you for your understanding.

Watch out for those Report Cards coming home on Friday with something special inside for you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Worst Blogger EVER! Sorry...

Oh my GOODNESS! The problems continue with the blog so I have just decided that I need to find a different computer to keep updating on. Things will be up to date from here on in! Thank you again for your patience and my apologies if you have been checking in and NOTHING has been changing!

Jaxon Shigehiro - Citizen of Tomorrow - Congratulations!

It is MARCH! I can hardle believe it. I am so impressed with how much the students are learning and growing. Reading is soaring and we are starting to really dig in with math. If you are looking for ways to help with math at home, I would suggest card games such as war where you have to add or subtract the 2 cards as fast as possible. We call it Math Snap. you could also give your child word problems to try and solve while driving in the car or even at home when you have 5 minutes to spare. We are focusing on 4 things in class with problem solving.

1. Show a math sentence - ex. 12-6=6
2. Show your work - use a picture or words.
3. Show a written sentence that uses the answer.
4. Did you find the correct answer?

Check out this site for a few fun games to practice with:
Pink Shirt Day!!!

Thanks for all of your PINK support grade 2! I know that we are doing our best to be BULLY FREE!

Keep an eye out for information on the blog and coming home soon about the Grade 2 Celebration of Learning Night coming up in March!