Thursday, March 3, 2011

Worst Blogger EVER! Sorry...

Oh my GOODNESS! The problems continue with the blog so I have just decided that I need to find a different computer to keep updating on. Things will be up to date from here on in! Thank you again for your patience and my apologies if you have been checking in and NOTHING has been changing!

Jaxon Shigehiro - Citizen of Tomorrow - Congratulations!

It is MARCH! I can hardle believe it. I am so impressed with how much the students are learning and growing. Reading is soaring and we are starting to really dig in with math. If you are looking for ways to help with math at home, I would suggest card games such as war where you have to add or subtract the 2 cards as fast as possible. We call it Math Snap. you could also give your child word problems to try and solve while driving in the car or even at home when you have 5 minutes to spare. We are focusing on 4 things in class with problem solving.

1. Show a math sentence - ex. 12-6=6
2. Show your work - use a picture or words.
3. Show a written sentence that uses the answer.
4. Did you find the correct answer?

Check out this site for a few fun games to practice with:
Pink Shirt Day!!!

Thanks for all of your PINK support grade 2! I know that we are doing our best to be BULLY FREE!

Keep an eye out for information on the blog and coming home soon about the Grade 2 Celebration of Learning Night coming up in March!

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