Monday, May 9, 2011

Mike Mountain Horse Garage Sale

Happy Belated Mother's Day!! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Thank you for all you do!

On the Agenda for this week:
May 10 - Assembly at 8:30 am. All of the Grade 2's will be performing their Justin Bieber Dance! Please come and watch if you can!
May 11 - Aggie Days Field Trip from 1:15-2:15. Parent drivers if you would like to come about 12:55 and then we will be there right on time. We will be using the entrance by the Bully's Parking lot.
May 13 - No School

Here we are during Education Week! What an awesome crew of students!

Spelling words for this week are:
foot - feet - tooth - teeth - mouse - mice - man - men - woman - women

The Mike Mountain Horse Fundraiser Garage Sale will be held on May 28th!
 This will be as awesome event to help raise money for our new playground. Please continue to send in your gently used items at the office. There is a sign up sheet outside of my classroom door if you would like to volunteer to help transport items to the exhibition grounds when the time comes.  

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