Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23 - April 27

Hi all! Sorry about any confusion with the Science test today! All Grade 2 teachers are away at a Math Conference today and tomorrow and I mixed up my Science plans. Science test will be on TUESDAY! Thanks for understanding.

Spelling words this week are:
out - shout - loud - mouth - now - how - down - town - our  - brown

Sight words this week are:
sleep - best - both  -city - fast

There is no school this Friday due to a Professional Development day for teachers. 

The spelling test will be on Thursday rather than Friday because of the PD day.

Don't forget the Hawaiian Auction is this Friday! You can still get your tickets! Our class is currently in second place to win a pizza party for having the most families that have bought tickets to attend. It will be a super fun night to relax and bid on some REALLY AWESOME PRIZES! 

Friends of Mike Mountain Horse Society is putting on a Hawaiian Auction Adult Night! 
Date: Friday April 27th 2012
Time:  7-11:30
Location: At the U of L
Cost: 15.00 / person
Dress: Hawaiian!  
Food and drinks will be available, as well as a silent and live auction.  If you have any prizes you are willing to donate, please contact Jodi Meerkerk at

Once again thanks for your understanding with the science test mix up. I appreciate all of your help from home with your child's learning! 

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