Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10 - 14

Our first full week together! I was so impressed with how hard our class worked last week! What an amazing group! It was great to meet many of you at the Welcome Back/Meet the Teacher Night. If you were unable to attend I sent home all the information with your child. Please feel free to e-mail me at any time with questions. If you have not already signed up on my e-mail list could you please write your e-mail in your child's agenda so I can add you to my list! Thank you!

Please make sure you are initialing your child's agenda every night. This is a great way for us to relay information home about the week and to help teach responsibility in grade 2. Thank you for your help with this.

Picture Re-takes will be on October 29. A package will come home with your child's original picture and then you can make decisions from there as to whether or not you would like re-takes.

Scholastic orders for this month will be due on September 24. Please remember to send cheques as cash is not accepted.

Our grade 2 Spelling program will begin next week. We always send home the spelling homework on Monday and it is due on Thursdays. The test will be on Fridays. This is also great for teaching routine and responsibility. The words will always be posted on the blog and in agendas.

Indoor and outdoor shoes are so helpful in keeping our school clean and gym class safe. If you have not already send an indoor pair of shoes with your child, could you please do so. Thanks so much!

Our first field trip will be to the Galt Gardens to help with our study of the History of Lethbridge. We will not need drivers but I would love parent help. Please keep your eyes out for more information coming soon!

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
September 17 - First week of Spelling
September 20 - Magazine fundraiser kickoff
September 21 - Terry Fox Walk
September 24 - Scholastic Order Due
September 25 - Galt Gardens Field Trip

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