Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29 - November 2

It is Halloween week and the students are VERY EXCITED! Please remember that students will be putting their costumes on in the afternoon. Please send your child with everything that they will need that morning. We are asking all students to please keep costumes simple as there will not be a lot of time for prepping and changing. Thank you for your support with this.
The Halloween Parade will begin at 12:40 on Wednesday and we will then have our little party in the classroom following the parade (movie and snacks). Parents are welcome to come and help with costumes at 12:20 and then join us for the parade.
Thank you again to our snack volunteers! Please send your contribution with your child in the morning as well.

Fruit Plate - Kalli
Veggies & Dip - Chase

Juice & Napkins - Bronwyn

Cookies - Kyle

Muffins/Cupcakes - Morteza

Chesse & Crackers - Marius

Meat & Pickles - Hayley 
 Tomorrow in Social Studies we are asking students to bring something from their past! A green note was sent home about this last week. It could be an old picture or something from when they were a baby. Perhaps an article of clothing...many possibilities. Please have your child's item ready in their backpack tonight so it is ready for our lesson on Tuesday, October 30. Thanks!
Spelling words this week:
of - love - gone - done - does - one- some - come - none - from
Sight words this week:
said - why - have - because - they
In health class tomorrow we will be talking about Halloween Safety! Please ask your child what they know about keeping safe while trick or treating and sorting their treats! I know many students are so excited to bring A LOT of their treats to school the following days after Halloween. May I please ask that we limit these treats to 2 or 3? The amount of sugar can really amp up the classroom and make concentration a struggle.

November Dates to Keep in Mind:
November 8 - Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:30
November 9 - No school
November 12 - No School
November 16 - Report cards go home
November 22 - No classes in PM
November 23 - No school
November 26 - Oreo Day- More info to come in the near future

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22 - 26

Well this will be our first full week after some holidays and PD! The MMH staff took some time to connect and really focus on some great projects for growth in our teaching this year. The Grade 2 team is focusing on math work centers and we are excited to get things going in our own classes as the year progresses.
Please remember to have a PUMPKIN at school for this WEDNESDAY, October 24! We will be working with them for most of the afternoon in math centers. Each child needs their own pumpkin.Thank you to those who have already sent a pumpkin in.
Wednesday is also Hot Lunch day for those of you that ordered.
The Scholastic Book Fair will be taking place this Thursday and Friday. Our class will be visiting the fair at 8:45-9 on Thursday and 9:45-10 on Friday. Do not feel pressure to have to buy books unless you are interested.
Spelling words this week are:
on - off - spot - stop - box - fox - socks - lot - odd - rock
Sight words this week are:
jump - here - why - tell - into
The FEED THE BUG campaign started today in our school! We will start collecting tomorrow and will collect all week! Please send any non-perishable food items that you may not be using at home! Our class will be keeping a tally so see how many items we can collect. This is a great way to support our community. Thank you for your generous donations in advance.
Next week will be HALLOWEEN! We will dress up on Halloween during the last part of our lunch time. The parade will begins approx 12:40 and then we will be having our party in class.
Halloween Snack volunteers are:
Fruit Plate - Kalli
Veggies & Dip - Chase
Juice & Napkins - Bronwyn
Cookies - Kyle
Muffins/Cupcakes - Morteza
Chesse & Crackers - Marius
Meat & Pickles - Hayley
Thank you to our volunteers!

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15 - 18

Sorry for not updating the Blog last week. With the short busy school week it just did not happen! Thank you for understanding.

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who made it to the Galt Museum with us. The students were fabulous and really were interested in learning about early Lethbridge.

Spelling is due on Thursday and the TEST will also be on Thursday.

Words for the week:
end - send - went - less - mess - yes - next - tell - help - well

Sight words this week:
other - after - best - they - said


This Thursday our librarian Mrs. Renner is holding a contest to promote the upcoming Book Fair. Students are asked to dress like a FICTIONAL BOOK CHARACTER if they wish to. Their name will then be entered in a draw for a prize. Feel free to dress up if this interests your child.

Next week MMH will begin the FEED THE BUG campaign.We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the week and donating them to our community food banks! I thank you in advance for helping to create a MOUNTAIN of food to donate!

Something else to keep in mind....Each Student will need a pumpkin for a pumpkin math day we will be having on October 24. The pumpkin can be any size but I suggest something your child can manage carrying on their own.

Upcoming October Events:
October 18 - No school in the afternoon
October 19 - No school
October 24 - Bring a pumpkin to school for a pumpkin math day! Everyone needs thier own pumpkin
October 25-26 - Book Fair
October 29 - Picture re-takes
October 31- Halloween Parade starting at 12:40

Check out this cool link of the free fall world record that happened over the weekend!

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1 - 5

How is it October already! The weeks are flying by and I am so impressed with all of the learning and engagement from my students! Awesome group of kids! Thank you for all of your support from home.

Home Reading Begins Today!
A purple information note will be in your child's agenda/backpack. It explains all of the ins and outs of home reading in Grade 2. Essentially:

- Read with your child 15 minutes every night
- Sign the home reading log every night
- Return the books to be exchanged every morning
- No Home reading goes home on Fridays
- Children readinglonger books may take more than one night to complete
- Let me know if the level seems to easy or difficult (books should be a bit of a challenge)

Thank you for all of your help! Reading every night is so beneficial to your child's learning.

Picture Orders are due this Wednesday,October 3rd. It is also the last day for Magazine Orders!

Spelling Words this week:
up - luck - duck - put - bus - mud - us - nut - hunt- bump

Sight Words:
to - more - because -was -nice

It is walk to school week! Let's try to get out there and enjoy these last days of the beautiful Fall weather while getting exercise. Awesomeness x 2!

Galt Museum on Wednesday October 10th
We will be heading to the Galt Museum Wednesday, October 10th at 9 am. The bus will be ready for us at 9 am. Thanks to Mrs. Hoekstra, Mrs. Caruso, Mr.Romaniuk and Mrs. Wiciak who will be joining us for supervision.

Remember there will be NO SCHOOL next Monday the 8th and Tuesday the 9th as it is Thanksgiving followed by a PD day.