Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15 - 18

Sorry for not updating the Blog last week. With the short busy school week it just did not happen! Thank you for understanding.

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who made it to the Galt Museum with us. The students were fabulous and really were interested in learning about early Lethbridge.

Spelling is due on Thursday and the TEST will also be on Thursday.

Words for the week:
end - send - went - less - mess - yes - next - tell - help - well

Sight words this week:
other - after - best - they - said


This Thursday our librarian Mrs. Renner is holding a contest to promote the upcoming Book Fair. Students are asked to dress like a FICTIONAL BOOK CHARACTER if they wish to. Their name will then be entered in a draw for a prize. Feel free to dress up if this interests your child.

Next week MMH will begin the FEED THE BUG campaign.We will be collecting non-perishable food items for the week and donating them to our community food banks! I thank you in advance for helping to create a MOUNTAIN of food to donate!

Something else to keep in mind....Each Student will need a pumpkin for a pumpkin math day we will be having on October 24. The pumpkin can be any size but I suggest something your child can manage carrying on their own.

Upcoming October Events:
October 18 - No school in the afternoon
October 19 - No school
October 24 - Bring a pumpkin to school for a pumpkin math day! Everyone needs thier own pumpkin
October 25-26 - Book Fair
October 29 - Picture re-takes
October 31- Halloween Parade starting at 12:40

Check out this cool link of the free fall world record that happened over the weekend!

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