Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 13 - 16

What an awesome Remembrance Day assembly our school held on Thursday. I was so proud and impressed with all of our students and the beautiful readings, singing and dancing they put effort into. Well done!
Please remember that there will be no school this Monday, November 12.
Important Events This Week:
PJ Day on Thursday!
There will be an assembly at 8:30 as well!
Please send your child to school in thier PJ's and they may also bring ONE stuffy with them. If they would like to wear slippers please pack them in the backpack and they can change at school. Students will still need their indoor and outdoor shoes as they do everyday.
 Report Cards will be coming home on Friday! I have asked all students not to open envelopes until they are home with you. This is a time to celebrate success and set goals for the future.
I am away this week from Tueday to Thursday at a Daily 5 Conference but will be back on Friday to celebrate Report Card Day and hand them out to these hardworking Grade 2's!
Remember to book your interview time with me online. Interview days are the afternoon of November 22 and morning of November 23. There will be no school during those times. Please call the office if you have any questions about this.
Hot Lunch forms are due on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14. A small red order form should have came home with your child on Thursday.
Spelling words this week:
shell - ship - shop - sheep - shut - dish - fish - wish - rush - push
Sight words this week:
people - call -  after - school - was
November 26 will be OREO Day for all Grade 2 students. More info will be coming home soon. Each student is asked to bring one box of oreo cookies for that day. Just a heads up in case you see them on sale in the next few weeks.
November 21 will be Hot Lunch Day if you choose to order.

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