Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Report Card Week

Welcome Back to November!

What a snowy and sunny long weekend! I know many teachers were busy working away on report cards and finding time to relax. I hope you were able to do the same! Our students did an amazing job with the Remembrance Day assembly last Thursday. Thank you to the Grade 5’s for hosting and to all of the teachers involved with the beautiful choirs and readings. Our class did a great job of recognizing the importance of the assembly.


Spelling words this week:

than – that –them – then – these – think – both – bath – with – there

Sight words this week:

house – too – little – saw – thank
Brown Bag Fairy Tale Project is DUE! 
Thanks to everyone who has already handed in the project! We will be sharing our projects and popcorn tomorrow so please take some time tonight to quickly complete one with your child if you have not already! Thanks for your support at home with our Language Arts program!


PJ DAY – November 14!

Thursday is PAJAMA DAY!! Please send your child to school in their warm, cuddly pajamas for the day! They are allowed to bring ONE stuffy that day as well ( a small one J ). We will be having a fast and fun assembly at 8:30 that morning.

 Report Cards

Report Cards will be coming home this Friday, November 15! I am asking the students not to open anything until they are at home with a parent. This is a great time to celebrate and set goals. They have been working so hard and I know they are proud of their accomplishments so far.


Parent Teacher Interviews November 21-22

The online times will be open on November 14! Please book early to find a time that accommodates you! If you need help booking a time please let me know of phone the office as they will be happy to help you! There will be school on the morning of the 21 but not in the afternoon.

Oreo Day!

Oreo Day will be next Monday the 18th. If you are able to send in a box of Oreos please let me know as we are in need of a few more. This will be a super fun day for the students filled with Math and Language Arts activities based around cookies and Oreos. We ask all grade 2’s to do their best to wear black and white that day! Thanks!





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