Friday, January 24, 2014

For the week of:

January 27 January 31



We are off to Nicholas Sheran on Monday! Please send your child with all of the items they will need on Monday morning! Now that we have had a recent trip there the students will know exactly what to expect!

Drivers we will see you at 9:40 on Monday:

Mrs. Wolsey

Mr. Deys

Mrs. Lyle

Mrs. Petherick

Mr. Sommerfeldt

Mrs. Hanna

Arctic Day

Mr. Braico has been teaching really awesome and interactive lessons in Social Studies. We are currently learning about the past, culture, traditions, resources and animals. Students have been researching, role playing and LEARNING! On Friday the 31st we will be bringing it all together with Arctic Day! The students will be participating in Arctic games, art, story- telling and cultural activities. The grade 2’s will be mixed together and organized as Arctic animals and will rotate activities throughout Friday morning. Students should come to school in comfortable clothing that they can move easily in.


February is FULL of ACTION!

A pink newsletter is coming home with your child on Monday (27th). This newsletter highlights all of the upcoming events in February and will also be listed below! Details about 100 Day and Valentine’s Day are included in the e-mail. Please keep your eyes out for an e-mail from Krystyn Jahn as she will be contacting snack parents for those special days.

Spelling words for the week:

away – mail – may – rain – paint – play – afraid – today – said – pay

Sight words:

thing – think -  when – won – right

Challenge group:

crumb – tune – fruit – field – reach – cheap – break – grown – recess

February Events:

February 3 – Start collecting 100 items for Harbour House

February 5 – Winter Walk and Family Assemblies

February 6 – 2014 Winter Olympics start in Sochi!

February 7 – PD Day No School

February 10 – 14 – Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 14 – Valentine’s Day and 100 Day!

February 17 – 21 – No School – Family Day and Teacher’s Convention

February 23 – Olympics End
For a Bonus Sticker:
Show what doubles facts +1 and -1 would work for solving the following equations :


Friday, January 17, 2014

January 20 - 24
This week is a pretty “normal week” around MMH!

We have begun our countdown to the Sochi Winter Olympics and the students are pumped! Mr. Braico is taking time each day to introduce the winter events.

In Health we are talking about healthy food choices and our sleep habits. Keep your ears opened for possible healthy lunch challenges!


Thanks to all of our swimming parent help! What a great way to spend the morning! Our next swim date is January 27th from 10-11. Emails will be sent to parent drivers next week.

Krystyn Jahn will be e-mailing the February snack volunteers in the next week or so regarding Valentine’s Day and 100 Day which will both be celebrated on the 14th of February! Please watch for her name in your inbox. Thanks!

A February newsletter will also be coming home shortly to highlight the numerous February activities.


Some students have advanced to challenge spelling this week. Students who are ready for this are those who continually show that they are transferring and consistently using their phonemic awareness in daily work.  


Spelling words this week:

name – place – same – snake – save – wake – brave – skate – face – have

sight words this week:

sport – ski – skating – medal - Canada


Bonus Question for a sticker:
Can you complete the questions below?
Write down your answers and your strategy.
7 + __ = 16
__ - 5 = 13

Friday, January 10, 2014

January 13 – 17

 What a busy week back at it! We are working hard and have had a great start to 2014! I can tell these students had a great holiday and that you all made it very special for them! Awesome!


Thank you for the overwhelming help for swimming. We have a lot of drivers which is great and if any of you are comfortable to swim I appreciate that help too! Here are the drivers for the 2 dates. Both swim times are from 10-11 am. We will leave the school about 9:40am from our classroom.

January 13th :                                           January 27th :

Mrs. Jahn                                                            Mrs. Wolsey

Mrs. Wolsey                                                         Mrs. Conrad

Mrs. Conrad                                                         Mrs. Hanna

Mr./Mrs. Deys                                                      Mr./Mrs. Deys

Mrs. Lyle                                                              Mrs. Lyle

Mrs. Baker                                                            Mrs. Baker

Mr. Sommerfeldt                                                   Mrs. Petherick

                                                                            Mr. Sommerfeldt

Students need to bring:

suit, towel, change of clothes, brush/comb in a bag along with any floatation device that is necessary for your child.

Hot Lunch for GRADES1-3 is on WEDNESDAY, January 15th

Spelling words this week are:

stand – stamp – stick – stone – last – fast – best – rest – must - taste

Sight words this week are:

before – work – great – could – would

Spirit Day – Tuesday, January 14th

The theme is “Dress for the Weather”. Help your child pick a favourite toque and scarf or winter hat for the day! Originally it was sports apparel but it has been changes to “Dress for the Weather”!
Student Challenge:
For a sticker write down the reason Mr. Braico has a countdown on the whiteboard!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Jan 6

Welcome Back!

The students were so awesome today! Was great to see them and exciting to hear all about their holiday adventures.


Spelling words this week:

any – many – very- every – happy – pretty – funny – sorry – story – money

Sight words this week:

because – pull – again – been – knew


Hot Lunch forms went home today for TACOS! The forms are due on FRIDAY the 10th!



Our class will be swimming at Nicholas Sheran Pool on Monday, January the 13th and Monday, January the 27th. We will be in need of parent drivers and help in the pool/change rooms. A volunteer/information form will be coming home tomorrow. The pool does have a ratio for the number of adults/children in the pool. If your child is a weak swimmer and you are able to come I would encourage you to do so. I would love your help if you are able to swim! J

Both Swim times are from 10-11 am. We will be leaving the school at 9:40 on both dates and returning just before 11:30.

Every student should bring:

- A bathing suit


- Change of dry clothes

- Plastic bag for wet towel

Upcoming January Dates

January 6 – Mr. Braico starts teaching in our classroom until April 17

January 10 – Hot Lunch form is due

January 13 – Swim 10-11

January 14 – Wear Sports Apparel Day

January 15 – Hot Lunch

January 27 – Swim 10-11

January 31 – Arctic Day