Friday, January 17, 2014

January 20 - 24
This week is a pretty “normal week” around MMH!

We have begun our countdown to the Sochi Winter Olympics and the students are pumped! Mr. Braico is taking time each day to introduce the winter events.

In Health we are talking about healthy food choices and our sleep habits. Keep your ears opened for possible healthy lunch challenges!


Thanks to all of our swimming parent help! What a great way to spend the morning! Our next swim date is January 27th from 10-11. Emails will be sent to parent drivers next week.

Krystyn Jahn will be e-mailing the February snack volunteers in the next week or so regarding Valentine’s Day and 100 Day which will both be celebrated on the 14th of February! Please watch for her name in your inbox. Thanks!

A February newsletter will also be coming home shortly to highlight the numerous February activities.


Some students have advanced to challenge spelling this week. Students who are ready for this are those who continually show that they are transferring and consistently using their phonemic awareness in daily work.  


Spelling words this week:

name – place – same – snake – save – wake – brave – skate – face – have

sight words this week:

sport – ski – skating – medal - Canada


Bonus Question for a sticker:
Can you complete the questions below?
Write down your answers and your strategy.
7 + __ = 16
__ - 5 = 13

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