Monday, February 24, 2014

Welcome Back

Hoping you all had a chance to enjoy time together as a family! The students were so excited to be back with their school buddies! Lots of stories to share of Olympic cheers and fun!


Hot Lunch is tomorrow (February 25) if you ordered!


PINK Shirt Day

WEDNESDAY will be Pink shirt day! We wear pink shirts to continue our education about anti-bullying and what we can do in our school! We will be having discussions in class as well as writing our own anti-bullying messages.

Spelling words this week:

all ball call tall fall wall talk walk shall hall

Sight words this week:

that’s new February again what

Challenge words this week:

doubt comb lamb crumb numb speak sweat clean great beat


Dr. Seuss Day

Monday, March 3 will be Dr. Seuss day in Grade 2! We will be making Dr. Seuss hats, reading and creating art! We encourage all grade 2 students to wear stripes on that day!


Celebration of Learning

On March 13th MMH will be CELEBRATING LEARNING! All classes will have student lead celebrations of learning. In Grade 2, parents will be asked to book a 20 minute session where your child will lead you through math games, science experiments and sharing of amazing work! I ENCOURAGE ALL families to make this an important date as the students are so very excited to share their accomplishments and their classroom experiences. Report cards will be sent home the day after.

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