Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

We had so much fun today!

We went on a Scavenger hunt in teams to make reindeer food. We opened awesome Santa letters! We shared Holiday hugs! We sang Christmas Carols. We ate yummy goodies. We even completed our spelling test! What a day.

Thank you parents for all of your help in everything we do! It is so appreciated!

I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing holiday! Be safe and see you in 2011!

Thank You!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Busy busy Christmas week...

PIPER CAME TODAY! She was so lovely and so happy with our gifts! Thank you for all of your support!

She LOVED the presents!!!
We made it! Our last week before Christmas Holidays! A very busy and fun week is ahead of us! Congratultaions to our Grade 2 choir who did a fabulous job performing at our morning assembly today!

The spelling words this week are:
away - may - pay - play - today - mail - rain - paint - afraid - said

Events of the Week:
Tuesday - Dress Like Christmas Day - Assembly at 8:30 am
Wednesday - Gingerbread  House Decorating at 10:20 am
Thursday - Skating at 2:15-3:15
Friday - Christmas Party/Movie

Thank you to all of our Skating drivers Donna Irwin, Cheryl Andres, Danita, Simone Olmstead, Lisa Richardson and Kim Sawa! We now have enough drivers!!! THANK YOU! We will see you at the school at 2:00 on Thursday. Everyone, please send your child with comfy warm clothing, mittens, skates and helmet for that day. We are still trying to track down skates for those little ones who do not have some.

Snack Volunteers for Gingerbread Decorating Day (December 15):
Cookies - Jordan and Mitch
Squares - Keinan

Snack Volunteers for Christmas Party (December 17):
Fruit Plate - Luke
Veggies and Dip - Amy
Juice and Napkins - Keinan
Cookies - Conner and Mhairi
Muffins - Jordan
Cheese and Crackers - Hailey
Meat and Pickles - Chase

Monday, December 6, 2010

Skating Drivers Needed!

Hope you all had a great weekend and are not feeling too stressed with Christmas "stuff"!

Spelling words this week are:
name - same - save - brave - face - place - snake - wake - skate - have

We are VERY SHORT on drivers for the skating date on December 16th. If you are already signed up THANK YOU so much. If you think you might be able to make it to help drive and pick up please email and let me know. Thank you to Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Olmstead and Mrs. Van Seters for driving so far.

If your child does not have skates we will try to find a pair through the school but please remember there are 100 Grade 2 students skating so it will be a tough job. If you have friends, family or neighbours you could borrow from, please check into it. Same for helmets. Although Nicholas Sheran has some to borrow, with 100 students skating there most likely will not be enough. Without both helmets and skates they are not able to be on the ice.   

If you have not yet sent in your sledding consent from interview time could you please send it back ASAP. Thanks so much!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some fun photos....

Snowshoeing today was a BLAST! Pretty funny stuff watching them all truck around in their huge snowshoes! Not one student gave up and it was a beautiful day!

It was Ms. T's last day yesterday. :( We were sad to see her go but we are so happy that she was a part of our class. Thank you for all of your hard work and good luck with your super bright future!