Monday, December 6, 2010

Skating Drivers Needed!

Hope you all had a great weekend and are not feeling too stressed with Christmas "stuff"!

Spelling words this week are:
name - same - save - brave - face - place - snake - wake - skate - have

We are VERY SHORT on drivers for the skating date on December 16th. If you are already signed up THANK YOU so much. If you think you might be able to make it to help drive and pick up please email and let me know. Thank you to Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Olmstead and Mrs. Van Seters for driving so far.

If your child does not have skates we will try to find a pair through the school but please remember there are 100 Grade 2 students skating so it will be a tough job. If you have friends, family or neighbours you could borrow from, please check into it. Same for helmets. Although Nicholas Sheran has some to borrow, with 100 students skating there most likely will not be enough. Without both helmets and skates they are not able to be on the ice.   

If you have not yet sent in your sledding consent from interview time could you please send it back ASAP. Thanks so much!

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