Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some fun photos....

Snowshoeing today was a BLAST! Pretty funny stuff watching them all truck around in their huge snowshoes! Not one student gave up and it was a beautiful day!

It was Ms. T's last day yesterday. :( We were sad to see her go but we are so happy that she was a part of our class. Thank you for all of your hard work and good luck with your super bright future!

1 comment:

  1. dear miss craddock my grandmas was so much fun
    i got to ride on the skidoo with my uncle tim i miss you oh and i went sledding on crazy carpets
    it was awsome to exept the first time i was to scared to go down and then when i went down the first time i loved it and then i went skating on the new outdoor rink and the next day we went sledding we brout the crazy carpets and one of those long wood sledds you know how i told you about the first day that i went sledding ya i went with both of my cousins taryn and regan the second time i just went with taryn ok so back to the second day i went sledding the first time we went on the big wood sledd my cousin taryn forgot how to steer it so she acidently turned us sideways so the snow piled up on one side so we fliped over and i hit my head ooooccchhh it hirt then we went on the steep hill with are crazy carpets and i went crazy and turned around backwards lost my mitt oh i never wanted to go down that hill ever again i miss all of that exept the parts that i get hirt yup now i'm home and today we get to watch dispicable me i got an american girl from santa i named her jessica my grandma bout jessica and i the same pairs of jamies my grandmas housewas awsome
    p.s. merry christmas
    p.p.s. happy new year
