Monday, September 26, 2011

Our Last Week of September!!!

It is crazy how fast time is flying! September is always so busy and I appreciate all of your support to help make all of our activities possible.
Last week we had a fabulous time at the Terry Fox Walk! Our class was AMAZING! What a perfect day to get out and meet our westside friends at Nicholas Sheran. Thank you to all of our parents who joined us.

This week we are off on our First Field Trip to the Galt Gardens on Tuesday Morning at 9:00am. Thank you to the following volunteers who will be joining us: Mrs. Babe, Mrs. Meerkerk, Mrs. Toles,  Mrs. Gail, Mr. Cook and Mrs. deBoer.

Thank you to the following volunteers who will be driving us to the Fort next Wednesday, October 5 at 9:40. We have just enough drivers who can transport students and supervise. So those of you who so graciously offered to one drive can help out another time. Thank you so much. Our drivers/supervisors will be:
Mrs. deBoer
Mrs. Hagel
Mrs. Cook
Mrs. Gail
Mrs. Lorenz
Mrs. Babe
Mrs. Meerkerk

This weeks spelling words:
up - us - put - bump - hunt  - nut - luck - mud - duck - bus

This weeks sight words:
off - found - always - these - does

We have a magazine fundraiser assembly this Wednesday from 8:30-9:00. Please come and join us if you are interested in the fundraising details. Information will be coming home.

Bonus Question:
List 2 ways small animals protect themsleves from predators.

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