Monday, October 3, 2011

Thanksgiving Week!

We are sooooo busy this month!The students worked so hard today! Fall leaf writing, Counting by 2's, 5's and 10's! Adding and subtracting! Reading with buddies. We were busy. We have two field trips this week. Please check out the information below for parent driver information and supervision reminders.

Thank you to the following volunteers who will be driving us to the Fort this Wednesday, October 5 at 9:40. We have just enough drivers who can transport students and supervise. So those of you who so graciously offered to drive can help out another time. Thank you so much. Our drivers/supervisors will be:
Mrs. deBoer
Mrs. Hagel
Mrs. Cook
Mrs. Gail
Mrs. Lorenz
Mrs. Babe
Mrs. Meerkerk
Our supervisors for our trip to the Galt Museum on Thursday, October 6 at 9:00 are:
Mrs. Babe
Mrs. Earl
Mrs. Lorenz
Mrs. Gail
You are more than welcome to ride the bus with us or meet us there at 9:15.
Thank you for ALL of the school support with the start of our magazine fundraiser! The kids are excited about all of the incentives.
No school on Monday, October 10th!
Bonus Blog Question:
Write a descriptive sentence about a leaf. Your sentence must have one colour word and one action word.
We are in need of shoeboxes for a special project this Winter. If you have already sent one with your child, GREAT! If you have not please send one this week. We are also in need of old margarine and yogurt tubs and lids for our painting times. We arelooking for the larger sized plastic tubs, not the minis that come in lunch kits. Thanks so much if you are able to help.

Kepp your eye out for the fire prevention activity coming home this week with your child. It is fire safety time!

Spelling words this week:
yes- tell -less- next - mess - went - help - send - well - end
Sight words this week:
people - call - after - school - was

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