Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I hope that you all have a safe and Happy Halloween tonight! Thank you for all of your help in making it such a smooth day with costumes and snacks! We all had a lot of fun! Here we are! Some of us are a little distracted by our tiny special guests! :)

After today we are back to a regular week. Keep in mind that next week there is no school on the 10th and 11th of November.

Spelling words this week are:
think - bath - both - with - there - than - then - them - that - these

Sight words this week are:
which - how - thing - read - write

Scholastic book orders for November will be due on November 23.

Thank you to those that have been working on home reading and math facts at home. I can really tell who is working hard at home. It makes a real difference in your child's learning.

Question of the week:
Miss Craddock had 20 mini aero bars. She wanted to give them away and share them with 4 of her friends. How many mini bars would each friend get?
Draw a picture to show your answer.

Can I ask for your help?
Can we please try and limit the number of Halloween treats coming to school with the students. We talked today as a class and we think that 2-3 treats would be more than enough as they make their way through their Halloween treats. Thanks for your help. It really makes a difference in your child's learning. More sugar=trouble focusing and learning.

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