Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7-9 A Short Week

Thank you for getting those Hot Lunch orders in! I know it was a fast deadline.

A big thank you as well to those of you who helped your child send in an item from their past. It was a really neat lesson in Social Studies to share the items and learn a little bit more about eachother.

Our Remembrance Day assembly will be this Wednesday at 10:30 am. Please join us if you are available. We have been talking, writing and completing art projects all about this day of peace. Please send your child with a poppy to wear if you are able to. There are poppies in the office available for a small 25 cent donation.

There is no school on Thursday and Friday this week.

Next Week's Happenings:
November 14 - Book your Parent Teacher Interview online
November 16 - Pyjama day
November 16 - Hot Lunch
November 18 - Report Cards are sent out

Just a friendly reminder about indoor/outdoor shoes and proper clothing for outdoor recesses. It is starting to get chilly and we really need to layer and bundle up with mitts and toques. Thanks in advance for sending your child with indoor and outdoor shoes as well as warm clothing for the weather.

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