Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3 - December 7

December already! I can't believe how fast everything is coming and going!
We have been working hard everyday working on building Stamina! Stamina is part of our Daily 5 program in our class. The students are getting very good at reading and writing independently as I confrence with various students about their reading. Check out a few pictures of students in action as they "build stamina"!
Spelling words this week:
name - place - same - snake - save - wake - brave - skate - face - have
Sight words this week:
which - how - read - thing - write
After school skating is up and running! Today was the first session starting right after school at Nicholas Sheran. The next dates are December 11th and 18th.
We are in need of toilet paper tubes that are ready for recycle. If you have one could you please send it to school with your child tomorrow. We only need one for each child. Thanks so much!
The MMH Christmas Ball is almost here!
Thursday, Deember 13th will be our Christmas Ball celebration at Mike Mountain Horse School! We look forward to seeing all families from 6-8pm for MANY fun holiday activities.
Wow we sure have some keeners! I have already received some ingredients for our cookie baking which happens on the 19th and 20th. Thanks so much for your support. As long as we have the ingredients for the morning of the 19th we are good to go!
If you have a baking sheet you would be willing to lend for those 2 days I would really appreciate it. Just send an email or not in the agenda if you are able to send one along for those 2 days. It will be washed and promptly returned! Thank you! We will also be in need of a few gingerbread men cookie cutters if you have any at home to share.
Please remember to send in your skating information for the 20th. We only have 3 parents that are able to drive at the moment. If your child is in need of skates be sure to let me know asap. Thanks!

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