Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17 - December 21

Thank you for all of your support with our Christmas Ball and Christmas party last week! We had a lot of fun at both! It was so great to see families out enjoying all of the activities! A big thanks to parents and the Christmas committee for putting it all together.

Thank you to our snack volunteers as well for last Friday's party!
I forgot to add this in last week's email and post with all that was going on but I just wanted to mention in the kindest way that although I appreciate the thoughtful idea of gifts from students at Christmas I really do not want or need anything at all from you and my students. Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness if you have already sent a gift. The students and I have chatted about the great gift of a hug or a kind compliment toward each other and that being more than enough. Thank you for your understanding!
This week is a busy one!
Wednesday  -Dress like Christmas! Christmas colours and all the fun stuff! Whatever Christmas looks like to you. Reindeer antlers, red and all goes!
We will be having a spirit assembly on Wednesday morning combined with our Christmas caroling. The students have been asked to come up with the best Christmas joke that they can find! Perhaps you can help your child find a great one on the internet or in a book and then have them pop it into their agenda or rehearse it so they are ready to share with us! Thanks!
Wednesday is also our cookie baking day! Please make sure you have sent in all of your items for baking by that morning or before. Thank you to those that have already done so. If you need a reminder about your item just send me an email and I will let you know.
Thursday we will be decorating! Thank you to Mrs. Caruso, Dr. Balderston, Mrs. Edmonds, Mrs. Chambers, Mr. Hoekstra, Mrs. Pack and Mrs Wiciak who will all be helping us decorate on Thursday morning.
Skating this Thursday afternoon! We are still in need of 5 more spots to transport students to skating from our classroom. If you are able to drop off and pick up only that would be great! you do not have to stay. Little ones are welcome too! Please let me know if this works for any of you. Thanks!
This Friday is our last day before holidays. See you back on January 7th!
Thank you for everything! Without parent support a teacher's job is very difficult. I appreciate all you do at home and for school. A very safe and happy holiday to you all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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