Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7 - 11

Happy New Year!
It has been so nice seeing all of the faces today! The students have been all stars today. We are right back into the swing of things and busy already!
Spelling words this week are:
three - beat - agree - easy - feet - each - need - dream - street - great
Sight words this week are:
black - could - there - to - more
We have a swimming date planned for January 15th at Nicholas Sheran Pool. We will be swimming from 9 - 10 am and leaving the school at 8:30. I am in need of parent drivers as well as 7 parents who will be able to be in the pool to swim with the students. The pool requests a ratio of 1 adult to every 3 students and is quite firm with policy. A blue note will be coming home with your child today about our swim trip. If you are able to help it would be GREATLY appreciated. Dads/Grandpas/Uncles would also be great to have as the boys changeroom aslo needs help and supervision. Thanks!
After school skating is happening all month! Every Tuesday right after school at Nicholas Sheran if you are interested in free skating with your child.
We are in the beginning of our introduction to addition and subtraction math unit using numbers from 0-18. We are learning about addition and subtraction strategies as well as how numbers are related. We move fairly fast through this unit and I have always found that all students benefit from extra practice at home with various math games. Card and dice games are a great way to practice math facts and kids find them fun without knowing they are actually doing homework!
The link below has some card game ideas:
Next week will be our kick off to the THREE SCHOOLS ONE BOOK project that is launching with all 3 west side elementary schools! WE are so excited to reveal the book choice and get going with the project! Keep your eyes and ears peeled for more information!

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