Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6 - May 10

Music Monday
Wow! What an awesome experience for the students of MMH this morning! We were all able to sing with Commander Chris Hadfield on the International Space Station for Music Monday! We were all very excited and full of many questions about space, Commander Hadfield and how he will get back to earth from the ISS. The link below is the song we sang in real time with Commander Hadfield!

Spelling words this week for Avenger group:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday week weekend - weekday

Spelling words this week for Challenge group:

dance increase promise purchased distance province license resources else - release

Sight words:

good it’s right sometimes that’s

Field Trips

Thank you to those of you who have already volunteered to drive for the trips you are available for. At this time we are short drivers for all of our upcoming trips. If you are able to pick up and drop off and not stay to supervise any of the trips we would greatly appreciate your help.

So far I have:

Monday,  May 13th trip to Southern Alberta Art Gallery at 12:30-2:15:

Ms. Craddock 3 Mrs.McClain 3   Mrs. Chambers 4

Wednesday,  May 15th trip to Feel the Beat  11:30 1:15:

Ms Craddock 3 Mrs. McClain 3  Mrs. Chambers 4         Ms. Edmonds 3

Monday, June 3rd trip to swimming from 9:30 11:15:

Ms. Craddock 3 Mrs.McClain 3   Mrs. Chambers 4         Hoekstra 5

We need enough drivers for 22 students at each event. If you can help in any way please e-mail me. Thanks so much!

No school this Friday the 10th

Hot Lunch was mentioned on the calendar but I have not yet received forms. Will keep you posted about this.


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