Friday, June 21, 2013

Last Post

Last Blog for this Year!

Thank you so much for all of your help and support this year with field trips, snacks, special days and home reading! We have had a fabulous and fun year together and I am so thankful for this amazing group of students. They are creative, funny, inquisitive and bright. Enjoy your summer and be safe and happy! Thank You!

Ms. Craddock


Monday, June 24 is our Farewell Assembly at 9:00 for staff who will not be returning next year.

Wednesday will be our Winn-Dixie Brunch Celebration for our year - end party. Thank you to our snack volunteers!
June 26 “Winn Dixie” Class Brunch Party - Snack List
Hayley – Juice and Napkins
Elora – Fruit Plate
Ramiz – Cheese and Crackers
Kye – Veggies and Dip
Larissa – Meat and Pickles
Bronwyn – Muffins
Morgan – Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese

Thursday will be end of the year assembly starting just before 10:00am! Please join us if you are interested! Students will be dismissed at 11:45.

Our own class will be having a mini celebration Just before our early recess break that day (Thursday) about 8:50-9:30. You are welcome to join us as well if you are interested!

Report Cards will be coming home on the last day of school with supply lists for next year and school photo information.

Have a safe and HAPPY SUMMER!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sports Day

Awesome Boat Launch Day!

I am so glad that the weather was just great enough for a wonderful day outside. The students had so much fun and so did I! Thank you for all of your help with boats and getting them ready for a day out of the school!

Sports Day!

Sports Day will be on Tuesday, June 18th!

A note has already come home with all of the details but I will include them here as well to help with planning.  The first event will begin at 10:20 and we will move in 10 minute stations until 11:40. We will start up again at 12:30 until 1:40. Thanks to Mrs. Chambers and Ms. Edmonds who will be joining us to help out at 10:00. Mrs. Wiciak will be joining us for the afternoon.

Please send your child to school on Tuesday with:

-Water bottle filled with cold water

-A substantial lunch with extra snacks

-sunscreen already applied and more for the rest of the day

-bug repellent

-a hat

-proper clothing for the day including your TEAM COLOUR t-shirt

Red Team






Blue Team


Coltyn R.




Yellow Team







Green Team




Colton P.




June 26 “Winn Dixie” Class Brunch Party - Snack List

Hayley – Juice and Napkins

Elora – Fruit Plate

Ramiz – Cheese and Crackers

Kye – Veggies and Dip

Larissa – Meat and Pickles

Bronwyn – Muffins

Morgan – Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese

Monday, June 10, 2013

Boat Launch

Boat Launch Week!

The boats were AMAZING this morning!

I am so impressed by the creativity and work that went in to the boats! Thank you for helping your child! They were so excited to tell us all about their creation and test the boats outside in the courtyard today.

This Thursday will be our Boat Launch at Nicholas Sheran!

Boat Launch Details

Students will help load their boats into vehicles to be transported to boat launch parking lot of Nicholas Sheran Lake. As of now I only have 1 driver for this. If you are available to help transport boats we would love at least one more helper.

We will then be leaving the school about 8:45 and we begin our trek over to the Lake.

Classes will each take about 15 minutes to put their boats in the little bay by the playground and see how their boat holds up on the open waters! Parents are more than welcome to come and snap some pictures of the fun!

Students will also enjoy a snack and some play time at the park! We will then walk our boats to the Nicholas Sheran School parking lot and load them to be transported back to MMH classrooms.

We will continue on to the spray park for lunch and some water play before we are picked up by busses and returned to MMH at around 1:30.

What Students Need for Thursday:

-Their boat

-Bathing suit on under their clothes when they come to school

-Proper layers for the weather forecast



-Good walking shoes

-A pair of water shoes for the boat launch (crocs, strap-up sandals, old sandals – flip flops are not great as they have been lost in the muck in the past).

-Water bottle


-A good lunch with lots of snacks

If you have any questions about this day please e-mail me!

Parents are more than welcome to come join us for lunch or just to snap photos of the boat launch!


June 26 Brunch Snack List – Thank You!

Haley – Juice and Napkins

Elora – Fruit Plate

Ramiz – Cheese and Crackers

Kye – Veggies and Dip

Larissa – Meat and Pickles

Bronwyn – Muffins

Morgan – Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese


Upcoming June Events

June 13 – Boat Launch

June 18 – Sports Day

June 24 – Farewell Assembly

June 26 – Classroom Brunch Party with Winn-Dixie

June 27 – Last Day!

Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3 - 7

Swimming was a blast for the students! Thank you to all of the parents who drove and swam! You all made for a perfect morning at the pool.


Tomorrow (June 4) is the Parent Appreciation Pancake Breakfast at MMH. Come on out for free breakfast at 7am! We look forward to seeing you!


Home Reading had come to an end for this year!

Thank you for all of your support at home this year with your child and their reading. It certainly makes a difference for those students who are reading every day! My new challenge to the class is to try and read their own selections for 15 minutes when it works for them at home. If you make note of it in the agenda with your initial, I will award each student after they reached an hour of reading.


This is the last week for spelling homework and tests!


Sight words this week:

because - went - again - where – every


Challenge words:

camera - summer - swimming - celebrate - July - June - August - vacation - September - relax


Avenger words:

foot – feet – tooth – teeth – mouse – mice – man – men – woman – women



Please make sure you e-mail/contact me if you have any questions or concerns about building of the boat or boat launch day (June13)!

Kids of Steel

Many of the students are interested in the Kids of Steel Triathlon! It is an awesome event kids can compete in as a team or as an individual. If your child was interested they will have a registration form coming home with them today. Entries need to be in by this Friday, June 7th.

The link for online entries and more information is below.