Friday, June 21, 2013

Last Post

Last Blog for this Year!

Thank you so much for all of your help and support this year with field trips, snacks, special days and home reading! We have had a fabulous and fun year together and I am so thankful for this amazing group of students. They are creative, funny, inquisitive and bright. Enjoy your summer and be safe and happy! Thank You!

Ms. Craddock


Monday, June 24 is our Farewell Assembly at 9:00 for staff who will not be returning next year.

Wednesday will be our Winn-Dixie Brunch Celebration for our year - end party. Thank you to our snack volunteers!
June 26 “Winn Dixie” Class Brunch Party - Snack List
Hayley – Juice and Napkins
Elora – Fruit Plate
Ramiz – Cheese and Crackers
Kye – Veggies and Dip
Larissa – Meat and Pickles
Bronwyn – Muffins
Morgan – Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese

Thursday will be end of the year assembly starting just before 10:00am! Please join us if you are interested! Students will be dismissed at 11:45.

Our own class will be having a mini celebration Just before our early recess break that day (Thursday) about 8:50-9:30. You are welcome to join us as well if you are interested!

Report Cards will be coming home on the last day of school with supply lists for next year and school photo information.

Have a safe and HAPPY SUMMER!

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