Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3 - 7

Swimming was a blast for the students! Thank you to all of the parents who drove and swam! You all made for a perfect morning at the pool.


Tomorrow (June 4) is the Parent Appreciation Pancake Breakfast at MMH. Come on out for free breakfast at 7am! We look forward to seeing you!


Home Reading had come to an end for this year!

Thank you for all of your support at home this year with your child and their reading. It certainly makes a difference for those students who are reading every day! My new challenge to the class is to try and read their own selections for 15 minutes when it works for them at home. If you make note of it in the agenda with your initial, I will award each student after they reached an hour of reading.


This is the last week for spelling homework and tests!


Sight words this week:

because - went - again - where – every


Challenge words:

camera - summer - swimming - celebrate - July - June - August - vacation - September - relax


Avenger words:

foot – feet – tooth – teeth – mouse – mice – man – men – woman – women



Please make sure you e-mail/contact me if you have any questions or concerns about building of the boat or boat launch day (June13)!

Kids of Steel

Many of the students are interested in the Kids of Steel Triathlon! It is an awesome event kids can compete in as a team or as an individual. If your child was interested they will have a registration form coming home with them today. Entries need to be in by this Friday, June 7th.

The link for online entries and more information is below.






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