Friday, June 20, 2014

Sports Day Monday!

We are hoping for a much drier field and some SUN for MONDAY!

Sports Day will start at 10:15! We will have fun until lunch and then break for regular lunch schedule!

We pick up again right after lunch and finish at 1:50! Should be a super fun TEAM day!

Feel free to come and join us for any of the events!

Thank you to the parents who have mentioned they can come and help out!

All Students Will Need:

-Proper outdoor shoes and socks

-Team Colour Shirt

-Water bottle

-Sunscreen and bug spray

-Big and healthy lunch

-Hat if they like
Blue: Katie, Andalib , Cale, Gracie, Brynnlee, Angus
Green: Greta, Hannah, Robbie, Lukas, Jager, Braylee
Red: Madison, Cassie, Mike, Josh, Greysen, Natalie
Yellow: Tyce, Lucy, Zachary, Aiden, Acacia, Stratton

Farewell Assembly

The farewell assembly will also be on Monday! It will begin at 9:00 am! Come and join us if you are able! We will break for recess and then start our Sports Day!


End of Year Brunch on Wednesday

Wednesday we will have a fun day of brunch, a movie and board games! If your child has a favourite board game they would like to bring to class for the day please do! I hope to have small groups playing lots of different games in the afternoon! Thank you to our snack volunteers!
Juice& Napkins Greta
Muffins Tyce
Fruit Plate Jager
Cheese and CrackersBraylee
Veggies and Dip Andalib
Meat and Pickles - Lucy
Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese Cale
Last Day of School!
Our last day will be on June 26! It will be a half day! At about 9:00 I will be sharing a slideshow that is only for the students in our class. It is always a fun way to reflect on a great year and the kids LOVE seeing themselves. You are certainly welcome to join! We will then hand out report cards just before an early recess. After recess we will head into the gym for our final assembly and school slideshow. And then...IT IS SUMMER!
Thank you for all of your support and sharing your children with me this year! It has been a year full of laughs and amazing growth! Be PROUD of these awesome little peeps! I know I am! I will miss our MMH community and the amazing school that we are but know that the experience here has helped me become the teacher and person I am today! Thanks for being a part of that!
All the best Always!
-Kelly Jo

Friday, June 13, 2014

Boat Launch Success!

Thank you for all of your help in making the boat launch day so wonderful. The kids loved “launching” their boats and probably could have been happy with that for quite some time! The weather held out for us and I was so happy to see all of my students laughing!

Moving in to Our Last Few Days Together

My heart is prepping for the last few days here as we wrap up a pretty dang cool year! Rest assured you have raised awesome kids! They are bright, funny, excited for life and READY FOR GRADE 3!

Some things to keep in mind for the coming weeks:

Sports Day June 17

Sports Day will be on Tuesday! The students will be dressing in colours to make organizing ourselves at each event a little easier! Please check below for your child’s colour and do your best to send them in that colour for Tuesday. Please be sure your child has a big and healthy lunch and lots of water! Hats, sunscreen, bug spray and proper running shoes and socks are needed as well. Thank you to our volunteers for sports day! Everyone feel free to join us at any point in the day!

Morning Shift 10:00-11:45 Mrs. Conrad & Sommerfeldts

Afternoon Shift: 12:30 1:50 - ???

Blue: Katie, Andalib , Cale, Gracie, Brynnlee, Angus

Green: Greta, Hannah, Robbie, Lukas, Jager, Braylee

Red: Madison, Cassie, Mike, Josh, Greysen, Natalie

Yellow: Tyce, Lucy, Zachary, Aiden, Acacia, Stratton

Pauls Farewell Assembly

Wednesday the 18th will be the MMH farewell assembly for Paul! We are asking all students to dress in BLUE and YELLOW! The assembly will start at 12:30 in the gym! It will be a special time to celebrate Mr. Bryant and his new adventures as a retired fella!

June 19th will be our alternate Sports Day if need be!

Farewell Assembly for Staff

Monday will be our Farewell to staff who will not be returning to MMH next Year! This is a time to celebrate and get excited for new adventures! The assembly will begin at 9:00 and we would love to see you there! As some of you may have heard through the grapevine, I will be taking a year leave of absence to pursue my Master’s Degree and small town life for a wee bit. My heart is here at MMH as a teacher and I have loved my years here. Thank you for sharing your children with me. MMH is an awesome place to be.


Brunch Party June 25

Wednesday will be our class brunch party! We will have more morning type snacks and watch a movie and play! Thanks to all of our snack volunteers! Krystyn Jahn will be contacting you about your contribution to help make our party happen!

Juice& Napkins Greta

Muffins Tyce

Fruit Plate Jager

Cheese and Crackers Braylee

Veggies and Dip Andalib

Meat and Pickles - Lucy

Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese Cale


Last Day of School!

Our last day will be on June 26! It will be a half day! At about 9:00 I will be sharing a slideshow that is only for the students in our class. It is always a fun way to reflect on a great year and the kids LOVE seeing themselves. You are certainly welcome to join! We will then hand out report cards just before an early recess. After recess we will heading into the gym for our final assembly and school slideshow.
HOme REading!
Thank you to our amazing volunteers! Stacy and Tony Deys, Sarah Baker, Michelle Conrad, Kristi Wolsey, Cindy Goldhawk, Krystyn Jahn and Kathryn Lyle!
From now until the end of the year students are asked to read 15 minutes each night and make record of it in their agenda! Thanks!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Boat Launch Week!

We are so excited here in Grade 2! It is getting close to our Boat Launch Day! This THURSDAY, June 12 we are on our way to Nicholas Sheran for a great day of learning and fun! Thank you to our parent volunteers listed below who will either be walking or transporting boats for us! You are all welcome to join us at any point in the day. We will begin our walk over about 8:40 ish and stop at the parking lot that is close to the city boat launch. Students will pick up boats and proceed to the park for a snack and play. We will then class by class float and launch our boats. We will then head over to the spray park for lunch and water fun! Busses will pick us up about 2:00 to return to school.

Every Student Needs:

-Their boat                                       -towel

-Big lunch with extra snacks        -sunscreen&bugspray

-Water bottle                                  -hat

-Swim suit on under clothes         -backpack

-Water shoes and walking shoes   -a smile!


Walkers:                        Boat Transporters to and from:

Mrs. Varty                         Mrs. S. Baker

Mr. Hagel                           Mrs. Jahn

Mr. Deys                            Mrs. Petherick I think?



Swimming on TUESDAY!

We are off to the pool on Tuesday! I know the kids will love an afternoon of fun in the pool! We will leave at 12:45 and return just after 2! Thank you to our drivers and supervisors!

Mrs. Baker                  Mrs. Jahn

Mrs. Wolsey                Mr. Deys

Mrs. Lyle                     Mrs. Goldhawk

Mr. Slomp


Free Hot Dog Lunch

Wednesday, June 11th Parent Council will be offering a FREE hot dog lunch for our DIV 1 students! Thank you for this special lunch!


Last Week of Spelling!! YAHOO!

Spelling Words:

bees skates twins boxes foxes dishes wishes lunches branches places

Sight Words:

pretty many about because - here
June Dates
June 10 - Swimming 1-2
June 11 Free hot dog lunch
June 12 Boat Launch
June 17 Sports Day
June 18 Paul’s Retirement Assembly
June 23 - Farewell Assembly 9:00 am
June 25 Celebration Brunch
June 26 Last day for students -11:45 dismissal

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there! Enjoy your Sunday!

Monday, June 2, 2014


The sun is out and I hope it stays for all of our special events coming up! We are on the fast track to summer holidays! Lots to do from now to then. Thank you for your help with the boats and EVERYTHING we have going on!

Free Pancake Breakfast!

Tomorrow morning is our FREE MMH Parent Appreciation. Come on out at 7:00 am to 8:15 for a free breaky ( June 3) to say thanks for you all do to make our school community so wonderful!

Perogies on Wednesday!

To help us experience and learn more about the Ukrainian culture in Saskatoon we will be tasting perogies thanks to Mrs. Fallwell, Mrs. Wolsey, Mrs. Conrad, Mrs. Hagel and Mrs. Baker! We appreciate your help with this tasty lesson.


Boats are due in ONE WEEK! I hope you have all starting building! Our Boat Launch is on June 12th and we are getting very excited.

Spelling words this week:

foot – feet – mice – mouse – tooth – teeth – man – men – woman - women

Sight words this week:

people – summer – sports – again – June


Swimming on June 10

Thank you to all of our parents who are helping transport as well as supervise if possible! WE will leave the school at 12:40 and be back just after 2:00!

Mrs. Wolsey, Mrs. Lyle, Mr. Slomp, Mr. Goldhawk

Mr. Deys, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. S Baker


Thank you for making our morning so special! Mrs. Jahn will be getting in touch through e-mail to remind you

closer to June 25th!

Juice & Napkins – Greta

Muffins – Tyce

Fruit Plate – Jager

Cheese and Crackers – Braylee

Veggies and Dip – Andalib

Meat and Pickles - ??

Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese - ??
June Dates!

June 3 Pancake Breaky
June 10 Swim 1-2
June 11 Free hot dog lunch
June 12 Boat Launch
June 17 Sports Day
June 18 Paul’s Retirement Assembly
June 25 Celebration Brunch
June 26 Last day for students -11:45 dismissal

Monday, May 26, 2014

June is Almost Here!

Boat launch is on the minds of our class lately! I have heard some awesome ideas from students who have already started building! Today we learned about catamarans and how having 2 hulls helps to make a boat super stable. I am excited for students to strat building at home and bringing in their boats. A note is coming home today about the boats themselves and other important June dates! They are blue and yellow! Please take a close look!


Tomorrow (May 27) we are off to the SAAG for Arts Alive! We will leave the school at 8:45 and finish up right around 10:30! Thanks to our parent drivers:

Mrs. S Baker Mrs. Lyle Mrs. Petherick Mrs. Jahn Mrs. Conrad


This week our grade 2’s will be field testing the Student Learning Assessments. The students have been happy to try out new skills on the computer and it is a neat opportunity to try something new in the classroom.

Spelling words this week for everyone:

out shout loud mouth how now down town brown - our

Sight words this week:

brothers sisters family children cousin

Pow Wow

This Friday our school will be meeting up with the Westside elementary schools at Nicholas Sheran. We will be learning about Powwows and participating in a dance together. If you wish to join us for the walk you are more than welcome! We will leave the school shortly after 8:30.

June Dates!

May 27 SAAG Trip

May 30 Pow wow

June 3 Pancake Breaky

June 10 Swim 1-2

June 11 Free hot dog lunch

June 12 Boat Launch

June 17 Sports Day

June 18 Paul’s Retirement Assembly

June 25 Celebration Brunch

June 26 Last day for students -11:45 dismissal

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mid - May

Back from the Long Weekend!

Hopefully you all found some time to get out and do something fun with the long weekend. This week is fairly “normal”! No trips until next week!


We will be heading to the Southern Alberta Art Gallery to see the Arts Alive exhibit. It showcases artwork from K-12 students in our city! Greta Jahn has a selected piece of work there and we will be excited to search for it! Thanks to our drivers who will be transported us to and from and joining us!

Mrs. S. Baker                     Mrs. Conrad

Mrs. Lyle                     Mrs. Jahn

Mrs. Petherick


Hot Lunch will be on May 27th if you chose to order!

On May 30th we will be walking to Nicholas Sheran School to watch traditional pow wow dances and in the past we have watched a tipi being raised and being put together. Weather permitting we will be walking over as a school and you are more than welcome to join us if you are interested.

Spelling words this week are for everyone once again:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekday weekend week

Sight words:

really many wanted very pretty

Boat Launch

Just a heads up about our boat launch! This is one of my FAVOURITE activities in Grade 2! Right now we are learning about boats and buoyancy. Students are learning about why/how things float, displacement, building simple boats and materials that make a good boat. The launch will be on June 12th at Nicholas Sheran Lake. Students will need to have a boat built and ready to bring to school by June 9th. We will be testing the boats at school for buoyancy and their ability to carry a load (3 or 4 soup cans). I don’t expect boat building to start yet as we still have a few more concepts to learn but I like to give everyone a heads up so collecting materials and planning can start! ALL BOATS WILL BE BUILT AT HOME. Students should be in charge of ideas and planning but will of course need adult help. Recycled plastic bottles, Styrofoam, plastic and pool noodles are all great materials. Ducktape is also helpful and waterproof! Boats should be a manageable size for students to carry independently and able to fit in our water table for testing.

May / June Events

May 27 SAAG Trip

May 27 Hot Lunch

May 30 Powwow walk to NS

June 3 MMH Pancake Breaky

June 10 Swimming 1-2

June 11 Free hot dog lunch

June 12 Boat Launch

June 17 Sports Day

June 18 Mr. Bryant’s retirement assembly