Monday, June 2, 2014


The sun is out and I hope it stays for all of our special events coming up! We are on the fast track to summer holidays! Lots to do from now to then. Thank you for your help with the boats and EVERYTHING we have going on!

Free Pancake Breakfast!

Tomorrow morning is our FREE MMH Parent Appreciation. Come on out at 7:00 am to 8:15 for a free breaky ( June 3) to say thanks for you all do to make our school community so wonderful!

Perogies on Wednesday!

To help us experience and learn more about the Ukrainian culture in Saskatoon we will be tasting perogies thanks to Mrs. Fallwell, Mrs. Wolsey, Mrs. Conrad, Mrs. Hagel and Mrs. Baker! We appreciate your help with this tasty lesson.


Boats are due in ONE WEEK! I hope you have all starting building! Our Boat Launch is on June 12th and we are getting very excited.

Spelling words this week:

foot – feet – mice – mouse – tooth – teeth – man – men – woman - women

Sight words this week:

people – summer – sports – again – June


Swimming on June 10

Thank you to all of our parents who are helping transport as well as supervise if possible! WE will leave the school at 12:40 and be back just after 2:00!

Mrs. Wolsey, Mrs. Lyle, Mr. Slomp, Mr. Goldhawk

Mr. Deys, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. S Baker


Thank you for making our morning so special! Mrs. Jahn will be getting in touch through e-mail to remind you

closer to June 25th!

Juice & Napkins – Greta

Muffins – Tyce

Fruit Plate – Jager

Cheese and Crackers – Braylee

Veggies and Dip – Andalib

Meat and Pickles - ??

Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese - ??
June Dates!

June 3 Pancake Breaky
June 10 Swim 1-2
June 11 Free hot dog lunch
June 12 Boat Launch
June 17 Sports Day
June 18 Paul’s Retirement Assembly
June 25 Celebration Brunch
June 26 Last day for students -11:45 dismissal

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