Friday, June 20, 2014

Sports Day Monday!

We are hoping for a much drier field and some SUN for MONDAY!

Sports Day will start at 10:15! We will have fun until lunch and then break for regular lunch schedule!

We pick up again right after lunch and finish at 1:50! Should be a super fun TEAM day!

Feel free to come and join us for any of the events!

Thank you to the parents who have mentioned they can come and help out!

All Students Will Need:

-Proper outdoor shoes and socks

-Team Colour Shirt

-Water bottle

-Sunscreen and bug spray

-Big and healthy lunch

-Hat if they like
Blue: Katie, Andalib , Cale, Gracie, Brynnlee, Angus
Green: Greta, Hannah, Robbie, Lukas, Jager, Braylee
Red: Madison, Cassie, Mike, Josh, Greysen, Natalie
Yellow: Tyce, Lucy, Zachary, Aiden, Acacia, Stratton

Farewell Assembly

The farewell assembly will also be on Monday! It will begin at 9:00 am! Come and join us if you are able! We will break for recess and then start our Sports Day!


End of Year Brunch on Wednesday

Wednesday we will have a fun day of brunch, a movie and board games! If your child has a favourite board game they would like to bring to class for the day please do! I hope to have small groups playing lots of different games in the afternoon! Thank you to our snack volunteers!
Juice& Napkins Greta
Muffins Tyce
Fruit Plate Jager
Cheese and CrackersBraylee
Veggies and Dip Andalib
Meat and Pickles - Lucy
Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese Cale
Last Day of School!
Our last day will be on June 26! It will be a half day! At about 9:00 I will be sharing a slideshow that is only for the students in our class. It is always a fun way to reflect on a great year and the kids LOVE seeing themselves. You are certainly welcome to join! We will then hand out report cards just before an early recess. After recess we will head into the gym for our final assembly and school slideshow. And then...IT IS SUMMER!
Thank you for all of your support and sharing your children with me this year! It has been a year full of laughs and amazing growth! Be PROUD of these awesome little peeps! I know I am! I will miss our MMH community and the amazing school that we are but know that the experience here has helped me become the teacher and person I am today! Thanks for being a part of that!
All the best Always!
-Kelly Jo

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