Monday, April 28, 2014

Welcome Back

I hope you all had a restful and HAPPY Spring Break! We are back at it and busy as ever for the next 2 months! It was great to see the students today. They were all very eager to write and talk about their holiday activities. What lucky little people with fabulous families!

Hot Lunch is TOMORROW if you ordered! (April 29 for Div.1)


Aggie Days

Tomorrow we are off to Aggie Days! Thank you to our drivers:

Mrs. Varty

Mrs. S. Baker

Mr. Deys

Mrs. Wolsey

Mrs. Jahn

Mr. Kossuth

Mr. Fallwell

Because we have hot lunch tomorrow we will be leaving at 12:30 or as soon as the students are all cleaned up. If you are at the school by 12:20 that would be perfect! We should be on our way by 12:30 and arriving back just before 3:00. Today we will kick off our rural study of Saskatoon by comparing rural and urban life!

Wednesday May 7th our Grade 2 team will be hosting the family assembly where we will be focusing on “Seeking first to understand, then to be understood.” Basically we will be talking about being GOOD LISTENERS in our family groups.

May 5-8 will be Education week and Mental Health Week at MMH! The theme for Education Week this year is “WE ARE ALL TEACHERS”.

Hats on for Mental Wellness

On May 7th we ask all students to wear a HAT to promote thinking about and discussing the things we do and can do to keep our minds happy and healthy.

Feel the Beat

On May 14th we will be heading to Southminster United Church to watch Feel the Beat! This year their performance is Hansel and Gretel! Ms. Nevels does an amazing job preparing the students for this musical experience. We will be needing drivers for this trip and a note will be coming home this week. We will need to be at Southminster by 11:30 and we will be arriving back by 1:00 ish.

Spelling words this week:

dew flew new chew blew few drew grew sew threw

Challenge words this week:

about warm laugh cold kind full should could-  would doubt

Sight words this week:

They said why after because


May Events

May 5-8 Education Week and Mental Health Week

May 7 Family Assembly Habit 5

May 7 Wear a Hat for Mental Health

May 9 PD Day No School

May 14 Feel the Beat at 11:30 1:00 Drivers Needed

May 19 Victoria Day - No School

May 27 SAAG Arts Alive trip 9:00-10:30 Drivers Needed
May 30 Pow wow at our school Presentation

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