Friday, June 8, 2012

Boat Launch Week!

Boats are due TOMORROW!
Please have your child's boat at school by Tuesday, June 12th. We are very excited to test and talk about all of the different boat designs.

Pizza Party on WEDNESDAY!
Meerkerk Stonework and Get Recycled will be sponsoring a pizza party for our class as there were top ticketsales in our room for the Hawaiian Auction. Please send your child with a drink and substantial snacks for the day. Pizza lunch will be provided! Thanks!

June 14th will be our boat launch as long as the weather cooperates!

Please send your child's backpack loaded with:
-proper walking shoes
-sunscreen and bugspray
-shoes suitable to step into Nicholas Sheran Lake
-substantial lunch with snacks
-bathing suits should be on underneath clothes
-underwear and clothing for after swimming- these items should be in a plastic bag to place wet clothes in after.
-layered clothing according to weather

Thank you to Mrs. Earl, Mrs, Kirby, Mrs Toles, Mrs. Gook, Ms. Daychief and Mrs. Cox who will be walking with us to the boat launch site. We will be leaving the school approximately 8:45 am to start making our way to the lake.

Thank you to Mrs. Hagel, Mrs. DeBoer, Mrs. Babe, Mrs. Meerkerk and Mrs. Cook who will help transport boats to and from the launch. We will see the drivers at MMH at 8:30 to load boats.

Henderson Lake Swim Day!
If your child is a weak swimmer please let me know who will be helping supervise your child at this MMH event. There will be many students in the pool and we are doing our best to ensure safety for everyone. If your child requires a lifejacket they need a one to one supervisor in the pool with them. Could you please notify me of your plans to help with your child's safety. I appreciate your support and understanding with this swim day. As of now we are planning to attend this trip but if we do not have enough parent supervisors to ensure safety in the water we may have to reconsider.

June Dates to Remember

June 14 - Boat Launch Day at Nicholas Sheran Lake and Spray Park
June 19 - K-2 Sports Day
June 25 - Farewell assembly for staff
June 26 - Year end brunch in Miss Craddock's Class
June 26 - MMH swimming at Henderson Lake Pool
June 28 - Last day of classes - Year end assembly at 10:30
Thank you to Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. DiPalma, Mrs. Toles and Mrs.Gail who will be helping with our Sports Day!

1 comment:

  1. You have described the things in a very elegant way. I agree that cost is the biggest factor but one important thing is that cost is not the only factor. People should take care of safety, size, weight, origin, destination, etc. All this put together become the charges for the service so if anyone thinks that service is costly then they should keep in mind that it comprises so many different services. Yacht Shipping.
