Friday, June 1, 2012

June 4 - June 8

Here we are! The last month of school! The students have been working so hard and we have lots to look forward to in the month of June.

Don't forget to come on out for the MMH Pancake on Tuesday, June 5th! Doors open at 7am!

June Dates to Remember

June 5 - Pancake Breakfast at MMH
June 7 - Field trip to SAAG 12:45-2:15
June 14 - Boat Launch Day at Nicholas Sheran Lake and Spray Park
June 19 - K-2 Sports Day
June 25 - Farewell assembly for staff
June 26 - Year end brunch in Miss Craddock's Class
June 26 - MMH swimming at Henderson Lake Pool
June 28 - Last day of classes - Year end assembly at 10:30

On Friday a lengthy, purple note was sent home about all of the events above. If your child  did not bring theirs home please let me know as it has a lot of important information about upcoming events.

Thanks to all of our drivers this week for the Southern Alberta Art Gallery! We will see you at the school at 12:30 on Thursday.

This will be our last week for spelling!

Spelling words are:
foot - feet - tooth - teeth - mouse - mice - man - men - woman  - women

Sight words are:
repel - attract - summer - holiday  - field

RAH - Reading at Home sheets will be coming home today. Home reading books will no longer be sent home. This is a great opportunity to check out the Crossings branch for some great reading material.

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