Monday, June 25, 2012

OuR lAsT wEeK tOgEtHeR!!

HERE WE ARE! Our last week together! It has been a busy and wonderful year! Thank you so much for your ongoing support and encouragement this year with your children. They are an awesome group and I will truly miss their enthusiasm, excitement and sense of humour.

Tomorrow will be our school swimming day at Henderson Lake as long as the weather permits.We will see you at the school in time to be leaving by 12:30. Thanks so much for driving:
Chrissy H.                               Crystal E.
Ada G.                                     Karmyn H.
Liz T.                                       Kathryn L.
Lorrie W.                                Norma B.
Delores C.                               Jodi M.
Jenn de B.                               Lisa G.
Please remember to send your child with a towel, change of clothes, plastic bag, sunscreen,hat and 4$ if you choose to buy something from the canteen. It will be VERY busy at the pool so please try and keep the clothes simple and easy to get in and out of.
Wednesday morning will be our year end brunch!
 We are excited to relax and enjoy the morning. Thank you to the following volunteers for providing brunch:
Juice and Napkins – Max P.
Healthy Muffins – Ethan M.
Cheese and Crackers – Logan H.
Veggies and Dip – Norma B.
Meat and Pickles – Mamata D.
Fruit Plate- Eileen K.
Mini Bagels and Cream Cheese - Sheanne C.
Thursday morning will be our last day! Assembly for the whole school will begin at 10:00. In our class until then we will be having our own little assembly to celebrate our success. If you would like to join us at 9:00ish for a special show please feel welcome!
Thank you again for a fun and wonderful year!
Miss Craddock :)

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