Friday, September 20, 2013

Grade 2 is AWESOME!

This class is fantastic! I love their energy and how interested they are in learning new things! We have had some great buffalo discussion and our trip to the coulees was fun! Thank you to our parent volunteers who made it out to help get us there and back safely!

Special Fridays

Today we had our first Special Friday with Aiden! AWESOME JOB AIDEN! It was super. Aiden brought in a few photos on powerpoint and was super prepared to talk to the class about his chosen photos. His morning treat of banana muffins was delicious. Thank you to Aiden and his family for a great start to Special Fridays. I know he loved hearing his book of compliments as well. I love these mornings as a class.

The Fort on Tuesday

This week we are off to the Fort on Tuesday! Thank you to Mrs. S. Baker, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs, Lyle, Mrs. Deys, Mrs. Wolsey,  Mr. Sommerfeldt and Mr. Slomp who will all be driving and supervising. I appreciate your time. We will see you at the school at 9:40 Tuesday morning!

Terry Fox Walk/Fundraising

TOONIES FOR TERRY! We are encouraging each child to EARN a toonie for Terry. This could be for doing a small job around the house to help family or even some coins out of their own savings. The purpose is to promote work ethic just as Terry showed us. We will be having many more discussions about Terry in the upcoming week. Please join us on Friday for our Terry Fox Walk if you are able to! We will leave about 8:40.
Word on the Street
Safety City will also be visiting our class this week as well as an Author visit from Robert Heidbreder! We have been reading his books as a class and they are FUNNY! We are super excited to meet him. Check out the word on the street festival (Sept21-22) if you are able to! Ties in with our Author visit! Here is the link for more info:
Magazine Fundraiser

We had a great kickoff for our big fundraising event! All students have been sent home with their packages and info! We already have some sales in our class as well! Thanks for supporting MMH in this way so that the students are able to have even more experiences at school.

Spelling words this week:

if gift lift him milk miss fix mix six - this

Sight words this week:

always does off found - these
Scholastic Book Orders!
If you would like to order from the September choices please send in your orders by Wednesday the 25th! October choices will be out this week.

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