Friday, September 27, 2013

Have we ever been busy! Last week was filled with trips, author visits, safety city and Terry Fox. We are so thankful for the opportunities we have for all of these extras that tie into our curriculum. Robert Heidbreder was ridiculously fun and the students LOVED him! Thanks to all of our parents who joined us for the Fort! It was certainly full of a few laughs and awesome learning. We especially enjoyed our time learning about First Nations artifacts. Thanks for all of your support with toonies for Terry and the magazines! KEEP THOSE ORDERS COMING!

Our class was so great for the Terry Fox walk today! Thank you parent volunteers for helping encourage the little stragglers and keeping us all safe! Our class raised almost $160.00! AMAZING!

Galt Gardens Trip

This week we are off to the Galt Gardens. This trip is led by Belinda Crowson. SHE IS FABULOUS! We will be taking part in a scavenger hunt for history all around the gardens. Thank you to the following parents who will be joining us for supervision on the trip:

Mrs. Varty – Mrs. S. Baker – Mr. Slomp – Mr. Sommerfeldt – Mrs. Kosolofski

Bussing will be provided for us and we will be picked up at 9:00. A fire drill is scheduled for the same time so we will still be practicing a quick and safe exit of the building! J

Character Education

We are always working on bettering ourselves at MMH. Character Education assemblies are an excellent chance for students to meet in family groups with students at all grades. We talk about all sorts of topics that help build character! Topics in the past have been kindness, friendship, responsibility and community. Wednesday afternoon will be our kick off for this school year.

Fire Prevention

October 7-11 is fire prevention week! We will be having a visit from a firefighter/paramedic as well as discussions about safe exits from our own homes. Look for a small family assignment that will be coming home to help carry over the discussion of safely exiting our homes during the chance of a fire.


Spelling words this week:

up – us – bus – mud – nut – duck – luck – hunt – bump - put

Sight words this week:

people – call – after – school – was
Stone Soup

We will be starting our Fall activities with Stone Soup this week! A note will be coming home Monday or Tuesday with a reminder of your child’s one ingredient soup contribution! Thanks for your help in advance!


Reminder that there is no school on October 14 and
15 for Thanksgiving and Staff PD.


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