Monday, September 9, 2013

welcome back

And we are off.

What an awesome and busy start we have had to the year! Your children are full of energy and enthusiasm. I am so happy to have such a great group of students.

Last week pictures went really well! The proofs will come back soon and you can make your decisions from there in terms of ordering/not ordering and retakes.

We have had 2 fire drills since the start up and the class has done great!


It will be this week on Thursday from 6:00-7:00. We would love to see you. Come on out to see what your child has been working on. It is also a great time to ask me any questions and touch base about your child briefly.
Field Trip on Monday!

Monday, September 16th we will be heading off to the coulees to learn more about the history of Lethbridge.  We will leave to walk over at 12:30 and will return at about 2:30. A volunteer form and information was sent home today. Let me know if you are interested in joining us!

Dates to look out for:

September 12 Meet the Teacher 6-7
September 24 Field trip to the Fort Info to comewe will need parent drivers/supervision
September 26 Safety City visits our class
September 27 Terry Fox Walk

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